How To Focus On Priorities

Hal Alpiar discusses how to focus on priorities for your business after taking inventory of the things that you need to succeed. It’s easy to get caught up lamenting the past and end up ignoring the here and now right in front of you. Taking the time to take...

Moving Your Business Forward (Part 1)

 In a podcast, our Hal Alpiar breaks down the process of taking inventory of your business. Not inventory as in your actual stock, but as in the other aspects of your business such as staff, suppliers, branding, finances, your products and services, your customers,...

Moving Your Business Forward (Part 2)

In part 2, Hal continues to discuss what to do after taking inventory of your business, how you can make it work best for you to help move your business forward, and most importantly, how you can accomplish all of this on your own without having to bring in outside...