We Boost Business Sales.

We Build Healthcare Volume.



[Quicker and Less Expensively Than You Can Do Yourself!]




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Scroll Down To See What You Get:

50+ years of award-winning creative business and
healthcare practice growth experience. We deliver results!

You get strategies, goals, branding, and marketing messages that work!
You get a support team boost, online performance, and growth of your target community.

 Call 1.302.752.8505 NOW for a free assessment discussion.

No follow-up unless requested. No sharing of your contact details.

We Guarantee You . . .

  • A Better Internet Presence!
  • A Branding Campaign That Works!
  • Staff Development Training That Gets Results!
  • A Marketing Program Wrapped Around Your Business or Professional Practice Strengths!
  • A New or Upgraded Website That Will Win Attention and Not Get Lost in Cyberspace!
  • Confidentiality!

Some of the Services We Provide

Complete Marketing & Branding Programs

You get new designs and strengthen existing ones for all print, broadcast, and website media applications. This includes programming, hosting, and maintenance… plus award-winning writing to help you deliver record sales results.

Social Media Impact

From Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Alignable, to Merchant’s Circle, Instagram, Spotify, you name it… you get the best of our experience in the use, planning, creation, placement, profile wording, implementation and management.

Promotional & Instructional Videos

Professionally designed and produced (including original music as needed) exclusively to fit your specific promotional message and needs…10 seconds to 30 minutes…incorporating your name, logo, branding line, and contact information…for use with websites/ social media/ training/ presentations/ TV sponsorships.

Reputation Management

Combining your online reviews and citations, local search listings and media releases with special event development and unbiased customer or patient Focus Group feedback gives you a decided edge over competitors . . . in both existing and new markets.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Did you know that 80% of online advertising is ignored by site visitors? Along with creation of your messages that will stand out from the crowd, you get ongoing or periodic search engine and social media assessment plus management of your paid advertising.

Writing & Editing Services

Original results-focused branding and advertising themes, campaigns, blogposts, podcasts and supportive public and community relations programs are professionally created and designed to boost your business or practice interests.

Direct Mail & Email Campaigns

Drip Marketing (and printed as well as e-newsletters design and content) can be developed as ongoing or periodic programs.

Staff Training & Development

Custom-designed (one-time-and-ongoing) programs that get results: leadership/teamwork; communication skills; customer relations, patient and patient family relations; and take-home stress management techniques that work.


Contact Us Now For An Evaluation

You specify the scope of the evaluation based on YOUR needs and goals.  

About Hal Alpiar

Business Coach/Trainer/Writer

Hal Alpiar is a management/entrepreneur coach and consultant. He creates record sales/branding/marketing strategies and programs. His track record includes successful projects and programs for over 1,000 business and healthcare entities, and includes national marketing awards). A 9-time business and healthcare book author (with four magazine editorships, 2,000 blog posts, and a national book award), Hal won “Professor-of-the-Year” at both a NY university and a NJ college. He was also a police and US Army Special Instructor. He holds a BBA, MBA, and MA equivalent in human development. Hal served two Federal SBA Advisory Council Appointments and five years on the National Committee for Quality Health Care. The father and grandfather of three, he’s Executive Producer for “LOVE IS…” a developing original musical film.

About Randy Robbins

Internet Marketer

Randy Robbins is an Internet Marketing Strategist. He partners with and guides new and established, small and medium sized businesses (and healthcare enterprises) to grow. His proven expertise with helping clients develop and manage their online relationships, presence, and exposure is quickly evident. Along with Randy’s years of training and Tennessee Tech University engineering program, he brings diverse experience in retail, automotive, and healthcare consulting to the table. Randy excels at results-oriented web design, social media marketing, email marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Randy is also a husband and father, retired military officer, and active BNI(Business Networking International) member.

A Few Clients We Have Worked With …

A Sampling of Client Testimonials …

“I have worked with Hal Alpiar for over twenty-five years in developing two of my medical practices, and in the implementation and ongoing services of a Heart Institute…. I can attest to the fact that Hal has the breadth of knowledge, professionalism, and compassion to understand the needs of the medical profession, our patients and the future trends of medicine. He has always been an invaluable resource to me both professionally and personally.” ~ Jefferey Alpern, D.O.

Dr. Alpern is Co-Founder of The Pennsylvania Heart Institute (with Hal Alpiar, and Dr. Alpern’s surgical partner team which completed over 400 successful Heart, and Heart/Lung Transplant Surgeries). Dr. Alpern is the former Chief of Cardiac Surgery at Hahnemann University Hospital in Philadelphia and founder of Arizona Vein Specialists in Phoenix.

“When Tammy and I decided to open Upper Cumberland Shuttle Service,LLC. in the fall of 2016, we knew that we needed a website but did not think it was within our budget. I called Randy Robbins just to ask “what it might cost”. He suggested, let’s meet and sit down and see what you are trying to accomplish. I found that it was within our budget!!! Randy listened to what we wanted and then improved on it. I look at him almost as being a business partner with our small service now. Randy is definitely “Top Shelf Material” in our eyes…I am proud to also call him my friend now….” ~ Terry Maddux

Terry Maddux is the co-owner of Upper Cumberland Shuttle Service.

“Hal and Randy have taken my (off-to-a-bad-start) website and totally revamped and upgraded it. They gave it a much-improved look and feel with both text and visuals (including a completely revitalized logo) that are far more engaging and attractive to my prospective market of healthcare professionals… doctors, physical and occupational therapists, nurses, practice administrators and managers, and all types of medical facilities. But don’t take my word for it; check it out yourself at: www.WhiteBearMedAssociates.com “ ~Barry Kraynack, MD, President

Dr. Kraynack is the owner of White Bear Medical Associates.

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New Rochelle, NY 10801-1608

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